Monday, April 16, 2012

THE FIRST POST! (And hopefully not the last)

TODAY is a special day. It marks the beginning of my online blog diary. A few reasons come to mind when thinking about why I've decided to give the ol' pen and paper a rest and jumped on the internet blog diary version...

1) I probably own around 5-6 diaries since my teenage years, and most of them quite ineligible (I tend to think quicker than I can write). Since my typing speed > my writing speed, it's really a no brainer.

2) I've always feared what would happen to all those years of memories and life recounts if my house burned down *touch-wood*

3) I think too much. This will be an avenue for me to put all of those thoughts/idea/opinions into a 'diary bank', where I can organise, categorise and recall posts with ease.

4) I'm a pretty impulsive person I must admit. I generally get bored VERY easily and in need of constant stimulation in life. So this may just be one those impulse moves... but I genuinely hope it'll stick in the long run.

I'll end with a motto that I live by every day of my life! I hope you can get something out of this too and be inspired to live the life you want to live by finding your passion, and going all out for it.

"Your time on Earth is non-refundable... spend it wisely!"

- Sarah.